Breaking News: Biden Initiates a Mineral Withdrawal of the Thompson Divide and Lands Surrounding Red Lady!

This morning, October 12th, 2022, President Biden announced that he has initiated a mineral withdrawal of the Thompson Divide area and lands surrounding Mt. Emmons. This announcement is an enormous step forward with the plan to forever eliminate the threat of mining from Red Lady. 

HCCA Red Lady Program Director, Julie Nania, was invited by Senator Bennet’s office to join for the President’s historic announcement at Camp Hale. Crested Butte Mayor Ian Billick and County Commissioner Jonathan Houck also joined. 

The withdrawal of these lands from mineral exploration means that these lands will be free from mineral entry for the next 20 years. Once MEMC releases their claims, the lands surrounding Mt. Emmons will not be open to additional exploration for the duration of the withdrawal. While we will still need to go through NEPA to review this withdrawal, the President’s actions put this ball in motion. 

This is a big victory for our community! Let’s celebrate this one!

Public Comment Period Open for the Mt. Emmons Land Exchange until October 17th

The Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forest has opened up the public comment period on the Mt. Emmons Land Exchange and it will remain open until October 17th. Initial feasibility documents are available on the website (link provided below) and include preliminary information on:

  • The 550 acres surrounding the Keystone Mine that would become private MEMC lands

  • Up to 646 acres that would be received in the exchange from four parcels located in Gunnison and Saguache counties

  • An overview of the attributes of these parcels, including:

    • Summary of Lynx habitat and Gunnison sage-grouse habitat values

    • Discussion of wetland and riparian habitat attributes

    • Initial explanation of recreational access gained (or limited)

  • The proposed timeline for assessments and land exchange completion

Additional information can be found on HCCA’s website, including the finalized conservation easement agreement language that is tied to the exchange:

Have you hiked to the top of Mt. Emmons? Skied the Red Lady bowl? After the land exchange that access will be legally protected through conservation easements that protect recreational access and will be managed by the Crested Butte Land Trust. Love the wildlife, viewscapes, and clean waters of the Gunnison Valley? We’re working on a final solution that protects these through a mineral extinguishment agreement and prohibitions against mining on Mt. Emmons, a mineral withdrawal of the surrounding area, and through finding a mutual resolution regarding the conditional water rights held by MEMC.

Here are three ways that you can help take this resolution across the finish line: 

  1. If you have not had the opportunity to weigh in on the land exchange yet, consider voicing your support (and questions) on the USFS website at

  2. Voice your support for a federal mineral withdrawal of the lands surrounding Mt. Emmons. Stay tuned for an update of the initiation of the NEPA process for the withdrawal. 

  3. Look out for additional opportunities to engage in the upcoming year - things are moving swiftly in the right direction!

There’s a lot of good in this package for our Valley. It has taken decades of hard work and community to get to this point. It’s time to shepherd this forward, and lend all our voices in support!


HCCA Annual Meeting Recording


Environmental Racism / Environmental Justice (part 2)