Save Red Lady
High Country Conservation Advocates was formed in Crested Butte in 1977 as High Country Citizens’ Alliance to protect the 12,392’ Mt. Emmons
(known locally as “Red Lady”) from the development of a massive molybdenum mine.
Red Lady rises from the western edge of Crested Butte’s scenic National Historic District and is a favorite of skiers, sportsmen, and recreationists. In the course of 44 years, Red Lady has been the target of three mining proposals that HCCA successfully led the community’s fight to defeat. Today, HCCA is proud to stand with our community in a new era of this decades-long effort that is proving to be a promising path towards a permanently-mine free Red Lady and Upper Gunnison River watershed. Developments in the spring of 2016 led to a new owner, Mt. Emmons Mining Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Freeport-McMoRan (MEMC/Freeport), of the private lands and ore body, as well as mining claims on federally managed land. Now for the first time, the owner of these interests states it intends to dispose of the private lands and ore body, as well as the mining claims on federally managed land. We are excited to roll-up our sleeves and dive into the details with all those involved to achieve a long-term, sustainable, and protective solution for our watershed and Red Lady.
An important aspect of our Red Lady Program in this new era includes our continued efforts to address the legacy of acid mine drainage from the old Keystone Mine. The old Keystone Mine is on private property owned by MEMC/Freeport, with mine tailings and water treatment for the Mine’s acid mine drainage located on Forest Service managed lands approximately three miles upstream of the Town of Crested Butte. Much of this work focuses on setting protective water quality standards for Coal Creek. To do this, HCCA engages in state hearing and rulemakings and collaborates with the Town, County, Coal Creek Watershed Coalition, state agencies, and MEMC/Freeport. We are looking forward to exploring with these stakeholders permanent actions that can be taken to eliminate and/or reduce acid mine drainage and other water quality issues the Keystone Mine has left in our watershed.
Prayer Flags
In an effort to bring about positivism, unity and awareness, the community was asked to think of how they would like to see Red Lady, rather than encumbered by a massive mining operation. What came forth were over 100 prayers written for Red Lady by a diverse palette of individuals. Six local artists set the words to art. This outpouring of spirit has truly been a community-wide project.
Tibetan prayer flags date back several thousand years as a means of sending prayers to the deities. They were created from and are meant to fly in high places, such as mountains. As they flutter in the wind, the prayers are sent to the heavens. Traditionally, they are five separate colors, representing the five elements. The Red Lady Prayer Flags are all red. For the elements, red symbolizes fire.
These flags demonstrate the diversity of our community under this one collective voice of keeping Mt. Emmons moly-mine free. Our goal is to have these flags hanging from every business and home in Crested Butte, emitting a positive message of why this land means so much to us.
We encourage you to buy multiple strings of Red Lady Prayer Flags. Hang them high, hang them outside. From your rooftops, in front of your doorways and windows. Only by being visible will they demonstrate the solidarity of the community behind this issue. Only in being touched by the mountains’ wind will they be able to send their message.