Planning and Projects
Planning Efforts
Our stream ecosystems and watersheds are facing increasing challenges from growth, intensive use, and a changing climate. HCCA works with local entities and agencies to weigh-in on planning processes to support sound decision-making that uses our water most effectively while leaving some in the streams for our fish friends. We also help provide grant writing capacity and partner on on-the-ground projects that reduce the impacts that our community has on our stream ecosystems.
Planning efforts have included:
Slate River Management Plan
Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy District Watershed Management Planning Process
Gunnison Basin Implementation Plan
Colorado Water Plan
USFS GMUG Forest Plan Revision
We also work to secure grants and build capacity for on the ground water projects that either improve stream health or increase water efficiency.
Past projects include:
McCormick Ditch diversion project to improve fish passage and reduce diversions
The Town of Crested Butte Gothic Park pipeline and efficiency project
Town of Crested Butte Outdoor Irrigation Efficiency audit