Flat Top Mountain Tour Day

On Friday, September 3rd, High Country Conservation Advocates hosted an educational tour day of wet meadow restoration structures located on Flat Top Mountain, north of Gunnison. The restoration sites are located on land managed by the US Forest Service. Forest Service employees and restoration specialists led a field tour to show the success of wet meadow restoration efforts that have been implemented since 2013, many of these were built by volunteers. This restoration area is home to one of the largest remaining populations of the Gunnison sage-grouse. This weekend, volunteers from HCCA and Wildlands Restoration Volunteers will be reinforcing previous rock structures in this area that attenuate water, build healthy soil, and provide riparian vegetation that is vital to Gunnison sage-grouse survival. Thank you to Firebrand Delicatessen for being a sponsor and preparing lunches!


Annual Meeting 2021 - “What kind of ancestor do you want to be?”


HCCA Meets With Senator John Hickenlooper