Oh-Be-Joyful Kayak Race

On the weekend of June 5, High Country Conservation Advocates (HCCA) held the Oh-Be-Joyful Kayak Race, drawing both local and professional kayakers to the event. Pro kayaker Rush Sturges took home the 1st place trophy while local kayaking legend Rob Dickinson was ceremoniously allowed to wear the infamous “Boof” belt buckle for going big on the iconic 23-foot waterfall (see photo). The event was held to raise awareness for HCCA’s mission to protect Mt. Emmons from mining as well as our continued work maintaining Oh-Be-Joyful Creek for Wild and Scenic eligibility as part of the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison (GMUG) Forest Plan, which is in the middle of a multi-year public revision process. If you missed the event and would like to learn more about HCCA’s GMUG Forest Plan advocacy, or to show your support for new Wilderness and Wild and Scenic recommendations by submitting a comment, visit gmugrevision.com.

Thank you to Paul Raymond for volunteering to organize the event and to all of the local volunteer safety crew for keeping the event incident-free. Also, a big shout-out to Crested Butte Search and Rescue for being on the scene.


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