GMUG draft revision reexamines Wild and Scenic eligibility
GMUG, Water, Wild and Scenic Guest User GMUG, Water, Wild and Scenic Guest User

GMUG draft revision reexamines Wild and Scenic eligibility

The GMUG forest plan revision process is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to influence how the USFS manages a huge chunk of Colorado’s public lands. The GMUG has in it 36,000 miles of rivers and streams, some of which wind through the Western Slope’s most remote landscapes. Yet the Forest Service is considering less than 4% of those miles as eligible for protection under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.

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Oh-Be-Joyful Kayak Race
Water, Events, Wild and Scenic High Country Conservation Advocates Water, Events, Wild and Scenic High Country Conservation Advocates

Oh-Be-Joyful Kayak Race

On the weekend of June 5, High Country Conservation Advocates (HCCA) held the Oh-Be-Joyful Kayak Race, drawing both local and professional kayakers to the event.  Pro kayaker Rush Sturges took home the 1st place trophy while local kayaking legend Rob Dickinson was ceremoniously allowed to wear the infamous “Boof” belt buckle for going big on the iconic 23-foot waterfall (see photo).

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